Coaching impactful leaders for successful companies
[PROFILE FEATURE] Driven by his passion for developing impactful leaders and a goal to leave a long-lasting legacy, IPI Innovation Advisor Dane Hudson helps businesses gain a solid footing in an ever-changing business landscape.   In today’s complex business landscape, many leaders, like intrepid explorers charting unknown territories, must navigate an ever-evolving environment. They must be equipped with foresight and...
Giving small businesses a big boost
[PROFILE FEATURE] Decades of experience as an international executive have equipped IPI Innovation Advisor Wong Hong Wai with the robust business acumen required to help small business owners thrive in today’s competitive market. As the adage goes, “standing on the shoulders of giants” can offer a unique strategic vantage point—this is especially true for fledgling SMEs looking to grow. Industry...
Green Buildings for a Sustainable Future
Enhancing opportunities for green development Green buildings are crucial for balancing population growth and environmental sustainability. Find out how three tech offers make buildings smarter and more sustainable.   Our built environment—made up of housing, office buildings, energy networks and more—has a colossal carbon footprint. According to a 2019 International Energy Agency report, the buildings and construction sector accounts for...
The Future is Fermentation
Going beyond gut health to boost global food security Fermentation can do more than make food taste better and last longer—it may hold the key to building a more resilient, sustainable global food system.   What do kimchi, kombucha, and kefir have in common? They are all tasty, fermented foods widely known for their health benefits. An age-old food preservation...
Interview with Pioneer Environmental Technology
[CLIENT INTERVIEW] I remember our first meeting with IPI at Singapore International Water Week in 2012. At the time, Pioneer Environmental Technology (Pioneer) was looking for a partner to evaluate the performance of ceramic membranes, found in our filtration systems for solid-liquid and liquid-liquid separation. Our company specialises in products and services for water and wastewater treatment, including the provision...
Interview with Neeuro
[CLIENT INTERVIEW] Neeuro is a local tech start-up and Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) spinoff specialising in the use of Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) technology. Simply put, we harness the potential EEG data (or brain signals) to offer wider mental health options to people grappling with neurological challenges. These include elderly patients facing cognitive decline, stroke patients, and children...