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With a strong emphasis on fostering collaborations through technology and innovation, IPI seeks to empower businesses to embark on transformative journeys with our SME advisory services.

As a subsidiary of Enterprise Singapore, IPI accelerates the innovation journey of enterprises through access to its global innovation ecosystem and advisory services. We stand at the forefront of innovation-driven transformation, and our advisory services in Singapore are your key to unlocking growth and success for your business.

With a deep understanding of various industries and a track record of delivering impactful results, our advisory services for Singapore SMEs are designed to transform your vision into reality. Explore innovative technology and the available solutions to grow your business today!

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Bioactive Superoxide Dismutase Enzyme for Cosmetics and Supplements
Superoxide dismutase (SOD) is a key antioxidant enzyme that protects cells from oxidative stress by catalysing the conversion of superoxide radicals into less harmful molecules like oxygen and hydrogen peroxide. These radicals are produced during normal cellular metabolism but can cause significant damage to DNA, proteins, and lipids if not neutralised. SOD helps maintain cellular integrity by reducing this damage, supporting overall health and longevity. Given its role in protecting cell damage, SOD has been utilised in skincare products, cosmeceuticals, dietary supplements, medical and therapeutic products as well as functional foods. Current methods to produce SOD include natural extraction from plants, microbial fermentation and recombinant DNA technology. However, challenges such as low yield, variation in quality and concentration, high costs and regulatory issues still remain. The technology owner uses specific strains of microorganism and advanced biotechnology processes to produce SOD at high yields via fermentation in a sustainable and efficient manner. The enzyme is then extracted and concentrated during downstream processing. This technology could ensure a consistent and scalable supply of SOD for commercial use. The company is seeking collaborations with skincare brands and cosmetic manufacturers interested in co-developing or licensing the technology for mass-market production and distribution.
An Antibody Target for Rapid Diagnosis of Liver Fluke Infection
Liver Fluke Infection (Opisthorchis viverrine) caused by the ingestion of raw or uncooked fish containing parasitic worms is a significant health problem in several countries, especially Southeast Asia. This infection while not deadly, can cause acute gastro-hepatic inflammation and long-term infection leading to carcinogenesis of an aggressive bile duct cancer (Cholangiocarcinoma-CCA) if left undiagnosed and untreated. The lifespan of the human liver fluke ranges from 9 to 13.5 years. Hence, early diagnosis of O. viverrini infection is valuable in preventing the infection from worsening and causing complications. Current diagnostic method uses stool examination (restricted by low parasite egg numbers in the specimen), imaging tests of liver and blood tests for antibodies. Cysteine protease is a group of protease enzymes characterized in numerous infectious pathogens. This technology has discovered a single-chain variable fragment (scFv) antibody target against cathepsin F of O. viverrini (OvCatF) by using phage display technologies. Cathepsin F is an enzyme with a half-life that is highly released during the infection, detecting this protein could reflect the current infection. This novel scFv antibody holds great potential in the field of parasitology and infectious diseases, and the characterization of their immunological properties could pave the way for the development of an effective rapid diagnostic kit in the future. The technology owner is seeking for medical device companies to develop this potential target as a practical diagnostic procedure for O. viverrini infection in humans in the future.
Sustainable Paper Coating for Plastic-Free Packaging
The rise in plastic pollution globally is driving a critical need for sustainable alternatives to single-use plastic in packaging. Traditional plastic-based packaging materials contribute significantly to environmental degradation, as they are non-biodegradable and create long-lasting waste. This technology offers a sustainable and eco-friendly solution through a fully biodegradable coating for paper packaging. The coating enhances the barrier properties of paper, enabling it to resist water, grease, and oxygen, making it an ideal replacement for single-use plastic in applications such as packaging and food containers. Not only does the coating maintain recyclability and biodegradability, but it is also compatible with existing manufacturing equipment and can be applied either before or after printing, minimising disruption to current production processes. The technology owner is interested to work on joint R&D opportunities with packaging companies and businesses focused on sustainable solutions for consumer goods.
Multi-Material Micro Additive Manufacturing with Micro Resolution
The rapid growth of the Internet of Things (IoT), 5G, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) is driving the miniaturization, integration, and diversification of electronic devices. Till date the fabrication of electronics parts is largely based on traditional methods which does not lead themselves well to the construction of 3D electronic structures. Printed electronics are largely based on non-functional printing technologies which are optimised for 2D printing. Despite the potential, current 3D printing technologies face challenges in material compatibility, resolution, and complexity, making it difficult to create intricate, multi-material electronic devices. A novel approach using selective metal deposition (electroless deposition) combined with projection micro-stereolithography (PµSL) 3D printing offers a solution to address many of the challenges faced. This technology allows the creation of complex metal-plastic hybrid microstructures, potentially extending to other material combinations such as ceramic-metal, glass-metal, and semiconductor-metal hybrids, advancing the capabilities of 3D printed electronics. Besides, the 3D fabrication technique, the other core aspect of the solution included the know-how to formulate the special precursor materials that will allow metallic portions to be printed in-situ. These will combine to form hybrid structures that are functional thereby making it possible to create functional 3D parts. The technology owner is seeking partners with complex applications that involved functional 3D parts to co-create and develop the new applications with them using this technology.    
Cyber-Physical Attack Simulation on Critical Infrastructure for Educational Learning
The rise of digitalization of infrastructures via digital twins and increased industrial automation, there is an increased need for better prepared for cyber and physical attacks. The digitalization trends also underscore the increased threat of cyber or physical (“cyber-physical”) attacks that can now easily crimple critical infrastructures if unprepared. The technology owner leverages on the use of a digital twin and mock-up infrastructure to develop a technology solution that is able to mimic and simulate the behaviors of a physical infrastructure under cyber-physical attack. The realistic simulation and have been developed with a focus on large-scale cyber exercises such as Locked Shields (a cyber defense exercise by NATO CCDCOE) in mind. The digital platform enables users to understand and evaluate potential weakness of existing infrastructure via simulated cyber-physical attacks on operational technology (OT) to improve operation resilience. The digital platform is not dependent on the mock-up infrastructure and can be customized for specific simulations. The technology owner has successfully emulated a cyber twin of a Secure Water Treatment System (SWaT) with a physical testbed system for a testbed to launch and study cyber-physical attacks in a realistic water treatment plant. The technology owner is seeking collaboration partners who wish to accelerate understanding and build resilience from potential cyber-physical attack via simulations of critical infrastructures.
AI-Based Early Intrusion Detection for IT-OT Industrial Control Systems
The trend for embracing industrial digitalisation and automation is increasing due to enhancement in productivity and operational efficiency it brings. However, as industries increasingly rely on more interconnected systems, the potential risks associated with cyber-attacks and system anomalies have grown significantly. With no method to monitor, verify and neutralise these digital attacks, this makes them more vulnerable which can potentially cripple their critical infrastructures. The technology owner has developed a technology solution that leverages on advanced AI-driven technology to provide a robust defence mechanism, ensuring seamless and secure interactions between Information Technology (IT) and Operational Technology (OT) layers. Through the use of their proprietary AI algorithm, it is able to detect and neutralise anomalous network packets with the ability to incrementally learn in real-time. This not only results in preventing potential damage to critical industrial systems but also ensures continuity in production processes, thereby avoiding costly downtime and maintaining productivity. This technology solution helps businesses meet stringent cybersecurity compliance requirements, providing long-term cost-saving and peace of mind. The technology owner is currently undergoing pilot tests for critical water infrastructures, locally and overseas, by integrating this technology solution to existing industrial IT-OT control system. The technology owner is seeking industrial partners who are either open to explore integration into their critical infrastructure enhance their IT-OT cybersecurity or open to explore licensing opportunities.
Eco-Friendly Microcapsule Solutions for Industrial Adhesives
The use of traditional industrial adhesives faces persistent challenges, including VOC emissions, material waste, process bottlenecks, high energy consumption, and slow product iteration. These issues are leading to heightened regulatory scrutiny from environmental agencies and increasing demands for energy conservation and emission reduction. Furthermore, traditional adhesives manufactures do not meet the automotive and electronics industries' need for rapid product iterations. This microcapsule-based encapsulation technology (µCaps) addresses these challenges by enabling intelligent encapsulation and precise controlled release of adhesive components while minimizing environmental impact. Built on pioneering "Accurate Architecting Technology at the Micro- and Nano Interface" and a high-throughput µCaps screening and synthesis platform, this technology facilitates controlled, on-demand release and customizable core material functions in adhesives. It provides significant customization and operational flexibility while producing adhesives with lower VOC content, resulting in improved eco-friendliness, enhanced adhesion, and energy-saving properties. With precise control over the micro- and nanostructures of adhesive components, this technology is ideal for high-value applications in the automotive, electronics, and aerospace sectors. The technology owner positions itself as an innovative solution provider in the industrial adhesives sector, offering a range of µCaps to customers. They seek collaboration through joint R&D projects with adhesive manufacturers and companies in industries such as automotive, electronics, and aerospace. The focus is on those looking to penetrate the high-value-added industrial adhesives market, co-developing innovative products and applications that fully leverage this technology's potential.
AI-Driven Autonomous System for Rapid Energy Material Discovery
This technology integrates artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics to create an autonomous experimentation system, aimed at significantly accelerating the discovery and development of energy materials. Traditionally, research and development (R&D) cycles in materials science are slow and resource-intensive, often taking years or even decades to produce meaningful results. However, this technology can reduce these timelines to under one month by leveraging advanced AI algorithms and robotic automation to optimize experimental processes in real-time. The system is designed to continuously refine experimental parameters based on data insights, enabling rapid prototyping and validation of new materials. This makes it a powerful tool for industries seeking to innovate within the renewable energy sector, as it allows for faster material discoveries and shorter times to market. The system’s precision, speed, and ability to handle high-throughput experimentation offer substantial benefits for energy-related applications, including the development of battery, fuel cell, and solar cell materials to name a few. The technology owner is seeking R&D projects, out-licensing and test-bedding opportunities with interested parties to develop new materials for energy, pharmaceutical industry and automotive applications. 


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Seeking Solutions for Automated Skewering
Satay has been a beloved comfort food for generations of Singaporeans. To meet the ever-growing demand and ensure consistent supply, one satay business is automating its production. By embracing automation, the goal is to streamline processes, increase efficiency, and continue delivering the same high-quality satay that customers know and love. The satay company is seeking to work with automation companies to design an equipment portion and line the meats for skewering.
Seeking Solutions in Automated Fish Deboning
Supported by the government’s "30 by 30" initiative, Singapore aims to produce 30% of its nutritional needs by 2030, emphasizing sustainability in its food production practices. A local fish farm believes in eating well and respecting the environment, where fish are given space to swim in the ocean with tides and currents. These fishes are farmed without any growth enhancements. More than 70% of the farm is made of reused materials and we use renewable solar energy for power. Milkfish is a hardy fish to farm. However, with over 200 tiny bones, it has not gain popularity with consumers. Therefore the local fish farm would like to work with automation companies to customise an equipment to automate the deboning process of milkfish.
Seeking Fermentation Technologies for Sustainable Food Production
Fermentation is one of the oldest technologies used in food processing, Traditionally, fermentation was used as a method of preserving food, as well as imparting unique flavor profiles, such as in products like soy sauce or tempeh. In recent years, driven by the demand for a more sustainable food production system, fermentation is also studied for its applications in breaking down organic matter from indigestible to digestible nutrition for human consumption, growing biomass from the microorganisms used in the process, or producing specific target compounds like protein, fat or other nutrients. With Singapore’s ’30 by 30’ goal to produce 30% of our nutritional needs locally and sustainably by 2030, fermentation technologies are primed to play a key role in the food industry.

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Learn how our innovation services have enabled organisations to succeed in their innovation journey.


Wheeling into the Future with Electric Motorbikes and Battery Recycling
Find out how an electric motorbike entrepreneur and battery recycling innovator work together to bring sustainable transportation to Southeast Asia.   Across Southeast Asia, motorbikes have long been a staple of transportation, weaving through traffic and bringing riders to their daily destinations. However, as air pollution continues to choke urban centres, claiming millions of lives each year, a pressing question...


Spicing Up Traditional Treats for Modern Foodies
Sea cucumber supplier, Sandhon, standardised processes and developed new ready-to-eat products by working with both IPI’s Innovation Advisory and Innovation and Technology clusters.   Sea cucumber has long been a prized delicacy in Asian cuisine and is a staple for wedding feasts and celebratory meals. But in our modern era of food delivery apps and rapidly evolving tastes, can a...


Transforming Waste, Fuelling Sustainable Maritime Transport
Local biofuel start-up, Green COP, is partnering with global palm oil producer, IOI to commercialise sustainable marine fuels. IOI supplies the agri-waste feedstock, while Green COP sets up and manages the production process of the sustainable marine fuels.   In 2021, the global cargo shipping market was valued at a whopping USD 2.2 trillion—enabling roughly 80 to 90 per cent...