Crowdsource innovative ideas and co-create solutions

Harness the power of innovation with our various crowdsourcing initiatives, from dynamic open innovation challenges designed to source groundbreaking ideas and technologies to co-creation programme that fosters collaboration between enterprises (SMEs/Startups) and corporates. 


Open Innovation Challenge

An innovation challenge is an exercise to crowdsource for innovative ideas and technologies. Enterprises initiate open innovation challenges to select solution providers capable of addressing their unique problems, tapping into a diverse pool of talent that fosters creativity and collaboration.

IPI assists enterprises to define their problem statement and to set up the innovation challenge. 

We reach out to our extensive network to target suitable groups that we are aware could contribute appropriate solutions for the open innovation challenges. Once submissions are received, we then help to curate a list of the most promising solutions. 


Co-creation Programme

Our unique focus on co-creation programme provides Singapore enterprises with unparalleled access to a curated pool of corporates’ technologies and technical capabilities. This enables them to co-create solutions for real-world applications, accelerating time-to-market and fostering innovative product development across industries. This approach delivers outcomes and fosters collaborations which are vital for enhancing the innovation capabilities of local enterprises, driving growth and competitiveness.

For innovators and solvers with partial solutions needing additional expertise, IPI offers a pool of Tech Experts to bridge gaps and enable them to deliver a robust and complete solution.

Discover our Innovation Marketplace, and enterprises can amplify their problem statement by participating at TechInnovation, a premier technology matching event hosted by IPI, increasing its exposure to potential solution providers to unlock new opportunities for collaboration and growth.