IPI partners enterprises to address their needs across various phases of their innovation journey.
As a neutral and independent entity, our multidisciplinary team will work closely with you to source for the relevant technologies, expertise and partners through our global innovation network and facilitate trusted open innovation partnerships for growth.

Technology Partners
IPI has access to innovative solutions from companies as well as the brightest minds in research agencies, innovation labs and institutes of higher learning across the world to create new pathways that bring their technologies from lab to market.
Familiar with the management of IP rights in collaborations, we have connected many of our technology partners with industry to commercialise their innovations successfully.

Over the last decade, we have built a wide network of collaborators from government agencies, trade associations and chambers, global innovation agencies, accelerators and the venture community to further enrich the innovation and enterprise community we serve.
When you partner us, you unlock new opportunities with innovative nodes in Singapore and around the world.