Latest News and Perspectives

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Fuelling Global Progress with International Innovation
At IPI’s recent Japanese Corporates Technology Innovation (JCTI) Launchpad Networking Event in Singapore, leading Japanese companies unveiled their latest technologies to potential partners, investors and industry experts. As industries increasingly operate on a global scale, cross-border collaboration has become crucial for companies to drive growth and stay ahead of the curve. This was evident at the “Japanese Corporates Technology Innovation...
Leadership Transition at IPI
IPI wishes to express its deepest appreciation and gratitude to Mr. Ted Tan for his exceptional leadership and dedicated service as he steps down from the role of Chairman. His visionary approach and strategic insights have been pivotal in steering IPI towards unprecedented achievements and success. Ted's dedication and commitment to fostering innovation have not only elevated our organisational capabilities but...



Spicing Up Traditional Treats for Modern Foodies
Sea cucumber supplier, Sandhon, standardised processes and developed new ready-to-eat products by working with both IPI’s Innovation Advisory and Innovation and Technology clusters.   Sea cucumber has long been a prized delicacy in Asian cuisine and is a staple for wedding feasts and celebratory meals. But in our modern era of food delivery apps and rapidly evolving tastes, can a...


Transforming Waste, Fuelling Sustainable Maritime Transport
Local biofuel start-up, Green COP, is partnering with global palm oil producer, IOI to commercialise sustainable marine fuels. IOI supplies the plant-based waste feedstock, while Green COP sets up and manages the production process of the sustainable marine fuels.   In 2021, the global cargo shipping market was valued at a whopping USD 2.2 trillion—enabling roughly 80 to 90 per...


Explore new collaboration opportunities through our organised and supported events.

SME Centre Conference 2024
Organised by SME Centres and supported by Enterprise Singapore, the annual SME Centre Conference is a flagship event for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The conference offers a platform for business leaders and industry experts to share their insights and experiences, addressing some of the key challenges that SMEs face on the ground. We are pleased to share that IPI...
Future of Health Asia 2024
Drawing on the success of three previous editions, Future of Health Asia returns to Singapore. Leaders in healthcare continue to face challenges to mitigate vulnerabilities, manage sustainability, digitise and improve the value of health ecosystems to make them more accessible and inclusive. Developments in the field of AI are presenting opportunities and uncertainties. Happening on November 19th, this event brings together...
SICC Awards 2025
The SICC Awards are designed to recognise, celebrate and learn from the commercial collaborations between companies which work together to innovate to create new products and services and/or resolve barriers to capacity growth. The SICC Awards are consistent with the Chamber’s belief that collaboration is often the quickest way for companies to innovate. They are also consistent with the Chamber’s...