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By harnessing the power of these emerging technologies and embracing new technology advancements, businesses can stay at the forefront of their fields. Explore our technology offers and collaborate with partners of complementary technological capabilities for co-innovation opportunities. Reach out to IPI Singapore to transform your business with the latest technological advancements.

Smart Fish For Oceanic Microplastics Detection In Coastal Areas
Microplastics contamination in the natural water bodies, which are resulted from disintegration from plastic waste, has raised public concern due to high level of fragmentation and disturbance in ecosystem. Every year, 11 million metric tons of plastics enter our ocean on top of the estimated 200 million metric tons that currently circulate our marine environments. This technology is a 'smart fish' that will be deployed in water bodies to allow for autonomous sampling using remote sensing and GPS technology, real-time detection of contaminants and a contaminant treatment unit to mitigate microplastic contamination. The prototype is currently employed in project to provide real-time sampling, detection and characterization of microplastics and aircraft tire wear particles in coastal areas of Lantau Island near Hong Kong International Airport. This prototype includes the following components: Sampling unit Filtration unit which uses a stainless steel membrane Two staining chambers for microplastics and aircraft tire wear particles Image capturing system for quantification of microplastics User-friendly mobile app to visualize the real-time data Treatment unit to breakdown microplastics and aircraft tire wear particles through an oxidation process Waste tank to store residual waste which will be removed when the smart fish returns to base The operation of the prototype will be controlled by computer programmes. Solar panels will be installed on top of the prototype for sustainable energy production and consumption. The potential applications include environmental monitoring, where the technology can be used to quickly and accurately detect microplastics in oceans, rivers, lakes, and drinking water sources. This helps track pollution levels and identify contaminated areas. For marine life protection, detecting microplastics in water helps in understanding the scale of pollution affecting marine ecosystems. Conservationists can use this technology to monitor the impact of plastic on marine organisms and habitats. In industries that manufacture or use plastics, the technology can be utilized to monitor production processes, ensuring minimal microplastic leakage into the environment. Traditional microplastic detection methods often require complex laboratory equipment such as infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopes, or filtration techniques, which are time-consuming and require samples to be sent to labs. This technology, which uses a proprietary staining method for microplastic detection enables real-time on-site detection, eliminating the need for specialized labs and reducing turnaround time for results. Smart Fish, Aircraft Tire Wear Particles, Real-Time Microplastic Detection Environment, Clean Air & Water, Sensor, Network, Monitoring & Quality Control Systems
Portable DC Fast Charger for Electric Vehicles (EVs)
The rapid growth in electric vehicle (EV) adoption has sparked a strong demand for more convenient and reliable charging solutions. As the number of EVs continues to surge, drivers are increasingly seeking fast, flexible charging options to keep their journeys uninterrupted. Mobile charging services offer a promising market opportunity by addressing key challenges such as range anxiety and limited access to fixed charging stations. In response to this demand, the technology owner has developed a portable DC fast charger that provides on-the-spot charging, offering quick and efficient roadside assistance. This compact, user-friendly device allows drivers to swiftly resume their journeys, reducing downtime from unexpected battery depletion. It offers a practical alternative to traditional towing services, helping drivers avoid unnecessary delays. Additionally, the technology extends its reach by equipping tow truck operators with portable chargers, enabling them to offer enhanced roadside support. This solution is valuable for service providers, fleet operators, and insurance companies seeking to differentiate themselves in the competitive EV market. By offering fast and mobile charging, these businesses can enhance customer satisfaction and ensure EV drivers have a reliable backup whenever needed. The technology owner is actively seeking collaboration with relevant partners, including EV manufacturers, operators, service providers, and insurance companies, to expand their service offerings and provide added value to the EV ecosystem. Output Current: 30-50 kWh DC Battery Capacity: Greater than 10 kWh Compact Design: Engineered for easy installation on tow truck beds, ensuring minimal space usage while maintaining efficiency Regulatory Compliance: Fully compliant with transport regulations, designed to ensure stability and safety during transport Plug & Play Installation: Features a user-friendly, quick setup process, providing rapid roadside assistance with minimal downtime This portable DC fast charger is designed to equip tow trucks with a convenient solution for emergency EV charging, offering an innovative alternative to traditional towing services. Key applications include, but are not limited to: Insurance Partnerships: Collaborate with insurance companies to bundle mobile charging services with EV insurance plans. This adds value by offering emergency roadside charging as part of the insurance package. Fleet and Roadside Assistance: Ideal for fleet operators and roadside assistance companies, this charger offers consistent, on-demand charging solutions, ensuring quick response times and improved service for EV drivers. Instant On-the-Spot Charging: Provides immediate charging at the vehicle’s location, eliminating the need for towing to a charging station Minimized Downtime: Dramatically reduces waiting time, allowing drivers to swiftly continue their journey Convenient and Stress-Free: Resolves the issue of unexpected battery depletion, avoiding the stress of being stranded on the road Cost-Effective Alternative: Offers a more economical solution than traditional towing, benefiting both service providers and EV drivers On-Demand Power, Portable DC Charger, EVs emergency, Road-side service Energy, Battery & SuperCapacitor, Electronics, Power Management
Cost-Effective Spray Coating for Passive Radiative Cooling in Buildings
Rising global temperatures have increased energy demands for cooling, driving up greenhouse gas emissions and worsening climate change. To address these issues, radiative cooling offers a passive, energy-efficient solution by emitting heat through infrared radiation in the 8–13 µm range, where minimal atmospheric absorption occurs, allowing heat to escape into space. This can significantly reduce energy consumption while providing a sustainable cooling. The technology owner has developed an innovative droplet-shaped coating specifically designed for building roofs and construction materials. This cutting-edge coating efficiently dissipates heat through radiation, lowering surface temperatures by 1-3°C and reducing electricity consumption by 5-15%. Crafted from a clear polymer and applied through a cost-effective spraying process, this cooling coating preserves the original colour of the substrate. It offers a powerful solution to combat rising temperatures and reduce the carbon footprint, making it ideal for homeowners, construction material manufacturers, and businesses seeking to lower energy consumption and operating costs without compromising the visual appeal of their properties. The technology owner is interested in R&D collaboration and test-bedding with building materials manufacturers, property developers, and construction companies. The technology is also available for out-licensing to paint developers and manufactures. Droplet-like Structures: Induce Mie scattering, enhancing emissivity in the 8-13 µm range, allowing efficient heat dissipation through the atmosphere into outer space Non-toxic Formulation: Made from a clear, silicone-based elastomer that is safe for environments Radiative Cooling: Achieve temperature reduction of up to 3.94°C, particularly effective in tropical climates Transparency: Maintains the original colour and aesthetic appeal of the substrate Versatile Application: Can be applied on various surfaces, including glass, wood, metal sheets, and roof tiles Low-Cost and Scalable: Offers an affordable, scalable solution with easy spray-coating application using a commercial spray gun Potential applications of this cooling technology include, but are not limited to: Building Applications: Ideal for rooftops, exterior walls, and façades to improve cooling efficiency Automotive: Can be applied to car exteriors to reduce heat buildup Facilities in Hot Climates: Suitable for transportation, storage systems, and other outdoor infrastructures Droplet-like infrared hot spots induce Mie scattering, enhancing emissivity Cost-effective solution through scalable spray-coating method Suitable for a wide range of materials and surfaces Effective in tropical climates with high solar irradiance and humidity Radiative cooling film, spray coating, building materials, green buildings Materials, Composites, Chemicals, Coatings & Paints, Green Building, Heating, Ventilation & Air-conditioning
Freshness Preservatives for Vegetables and Flowers
Stomata, tiny pores on the surface of leaves, are opened or closed under the control of a pair of guard cells for gas exchange with the atmosphere. Through these pores, plants uptake the carbon dioxide necessary for photosynthesis and release water by transpiration, which enhances the uptake of nutrients from the roots. Therefore, regulation of stomatal openings is essential for plant growth and survival in response to various environmental conditions.  Improper regulation or dysfunction of stomata can lead to drying out and wilting of vegetables and flowers, resulting in loss of freshness during transportation and hence, wastages. Following a study to improve plants’ drying tolerance and productivity by controlling the opening and closing of plant pores, the research team has identified natural compounds that have the effect of closing the stomata to preserve freshness and successfully developed more potent analogs.  The research team is looking for companies to partner in joint development of applications such as sprays and volatile sheets as freshness retention agents for vegetables and flowers. Freshness preservatives based on analogs of a natural compound found in plants of the order Brassicales Up to 66 times more potent than the natural compound, offering drought resistance to plants Maintains freshness of leafy vegetables and flowers by preventing drying and wilting through the closing the stomata  Application timing is flexible, can be applied whenever drought resistance is needed Suitable for water-based formulations These compounds can be used for the vegetable and flower distribution industry. They could be formulated into various formats to be delivered via direct application, spraying, and volatilisation through packaging materials. By delivering the naturally occurring components of this technology to the leaves and flowers of vegetables and flowering plants, the pores can be closed for an extended period, preventing drying and fading. Unlike existing solutions like abscisic acid derivatives, this compound does not have side effects such as growth inhibition and seed germination suppression. stomata, freshness preservation, drying preservation Chemicals, Agrochemicals, Life Sciences, Agriculture & Aquaculture, Organic, Sustainability, Food Security
A Multianalyte Metabolite Sensing Bandage
Singapore is ranked second highest among developed countries for incidence of diabetes. Previously, glucose monitoring is performed through a needle prick test or capillary blood glucose test. Compared with blood testing, sweat testing offers the advantages of non-invasiveness, portability, and persistence. Analysis and detection of biomarkers in sweat can assist in the prevention, diagnosis, and especially monitoring of chronic diseases.  Wearable devices have been extensively explored in the last decade owing to their lightweight, bendability, stretchability, and ease of integration with human interfaces. Optical wearables are also known for their potential capability to perform remote sensing and detection of multi-parameters at the same time. Despite the rapid advancement in wearable optical sensors, one of the greatest challenges is the capability of multiplexed detection or multifunctionality on a single device. To overcome this limitation, micro-lasers offer unique advantages in terms of signal amplification and narrow linewidth. Strong light interactions between optical microcavities and biomolecules would therefore lead to distinctive lasing signals for sensing. However, there are no laser emitting based device which have been invented for physiological and clinical sensing applications on human before. This technology has developed the first laser emitting bandage for multiplexed detection through a non-invasive wearable laser device. The smart bandage can quickly detect metabolites in 2 minutes through sweat secreted on human skin. The technology owner is seeking collaborations with medical institutions to extend this technology to patients health monitoring or daily monitoring. This new technology is formed by embedding tiny laser sensors in a hydrogel patch. The bandage uses laser light emitted from the bandage to identify tiny fluctuations of glucose level in sweat and can offer a record low Limit of Detection (LOD). In addition, the device can detect multiple metabolites at the same time to help monitor health conditions more precisely. To obtain an active microlaser with biochemical sensing functions, a wearable thin film laser is developed by encapsulating cholesteric liquid crystal (CLC) droplets in a flexible hydrogel thin film. Each single CLC microdroplet serves as a WGM microresonator. The three-dimensional cross-linked hydrophilic polymer serves as the adhesive layer to allow small molecules to penetrate from human tissue to the surface of droplet laser resonators. Due to the high-quality factor of the whispering gallery mode (WGM) resonator, subtle changes in the liquid crystal droplets will be amplified, resulting in a wavelength shift in the laser emission spectra, which can then be applied for sensing and monitoring metabolite. Using a laser emitting technology, the flexible bandage is able to perform multianalyte sensing and detection of metabolites.  The market potential is substantial, with hundreds of millions of patients requiring daily glucose monitoring. Additionally, the device can be adapted to track multiple metabolites, further broadening its market scope. There are two primary factors that contribute to the appeal of this device. Firstly, it enables monitoring through sweat, eliminating the need for blood samples. Secondly, the technology is both cost-effective and affordable. Previous studies have investigated the possibility of using surface-enhanced Raman scattering, photonic crystals-based structural color, and polarized microscope for sweat sensing. This technology offers several advantages:  1. This device fulfils the required dynamic range, envisioned to be applied to daily health monitoring for low-cost and disposable usage. 2. This device is able to detect any desired target metabolites by simply modifying the CLC microdroplets. By embedding modified CLC microdroplets within a PAAm hydrogel film, both flexibility and physiological sensing capabilities on human skin was achieved, including lactate, glucose, and urea. The testing results has successfully attained remarkable levels of sensitivity and minimal limits of lactate, glucose, and urea detection. 3. This platform is very versatile. By altering the components of the droplets or the hydrogel substrate itself, the structure of microdroplets in the hydrogel film can be adjusted to any lasing wavelengths. Glucose Sensor, Micro Laser, Liquid Crystal, Hydrogel Materials, Nano Materials, Electronics, Lasers, Optics & Photonics, Healthcare, Diagnostics, Medical Devices
Outdoor Air Purification Tower
Controlling air pollution, particularly from PM 2.5 particulate matter, is crucial for protecting human health and the environment. These microscopic particles can penetrate deep into the respiratory system, causing serious health issues such as respiratory illnesses, cardiovascular problems, and even premature death. PM 2.5 is a leading cause of poor air quality, especially in densely populated regions of Asia, where industrial emissions, vehicle exhaust, and biomass burning are prevalent. Reducing this pollution is vital to minimizing its harmful health effects and improving air quality.  To address this pressing issue, this technology has been developed that focuses on air purification through an automatic hybrid air purification tower based on a wet scrubber system. This system can capture particles as small as 0.3 microns, significantly reducing PM2.5 levels in the air. The hybrid power system ensures that it operates with lower electricity consumption compared to traditional scrubbers, making it both energy-efficient and effective. Additionally, this technology uses water instead of packing materials reducing waste generation. By leveraging this technology, urban environments can see a marked improvement in air quality, leading to better health outcomes and a cleaner atmosphere for all.  The technology owner seeks collaborations in environmental sustainability, urban development, and public health to support scaling, co-development, R&D collaboration and licensing.   The system draws in polluted air via an exhaust fan, passing it through two layers of high-speed spray nozzles that enhance water surface tension to capture particles as small as 0.3 microns. The purified air is then disinfected using ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI) technology and released at breathing level, supported by a propeller for airflow control. A hybrid power system reduces electricity usage during daylight, and water is recycled and sterilized through ozone technology and a filtration system, ensuring efficient, sustainable operation.  Air Capacity: 60,000 m3/h. Dust Trap Efficiency: Dual cyclonic nozzle spray and a redesigned PM trap plate to enhance surface tension, improving particle capture efficiency. Particle Trap: >2.5 micron. Mode of disinfection: Mechanical filtration and ozone.   Disinfection rate: Targeted to be above 99% (bacteria, virus and fungi). Water usage: 50L/day. Urban Areas and Public Spaces: Cities with high pollution levels are primary markets for outdoor air purifier towers. Governments are focusing on air quality improvement initiatives in public spaces, parks, and along highways.  Private Sector: Commercial real estate developers, especially in projects targeting high-end residential or mixed-use developments, can utilize air purifier towers as part of their environmental and wellness-focused features, such as in luxury estates, hospitals, or educational campuses.  Hospitality and Tourism: Hotels and resorts in polluted regions may also adopt outdoor air purifiers to improve their guests' well-being, offering cleaner outdoor spaces. The global air purifier market was valued at USD 15.94 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 7.1%, reaching over USD 25.5 billion by 2030. The Asia-Pacific region, accounting for 45% of global revenue, is expected to grow at 7.8%, driven by urbanization and increased awareness of pollution's health risks. Key sectors include residential, commercial, and industrial applications, with growing demand in public spaces, real estate, and hospitality for air quality improvement. Advanced Air Purification Technology: Cutting-edge filtration systems remove particulate matter (PM2.5, PM10).   Environmental Sustainability: Utilizes water in a Venturi scrubber effectively minimizes waste.  Energy-Efficient and Smart Design: Integrates an air quality sensor to monitor PM2.5 levels in real-time and automatically adjusts operational speed on air quality data for optimal efficiency.  Aesthetic Integration: Aesthetically designed to blend into modern architectural spaces, enhancing both air quality and the visual environment.  Electronics, Sensors & Instrumentation, Green Building, Heating, Ventilation & Air-conditioning, Sustainability, Sustainable Living
Ultra-Low Frequency Technology: Reducing Oxidative Stress and Enhancing MetabolicĀ Functions
Water plays a vital role in various biological and industrial processes, but its effectiveness can be enhanced by modifying its molecular structure. This Ultra-Low Frequency (ULF) platform technology leverages ULF electromagnetic waves to alter the properties of water, aiming to improve its performance in specific applications. By applying low-frequency electromagnetic fields, this technology has been observed to affect water's oxidation-reduction potential (ORP), potentially increasing its antioxidative properties. Empirical data suggests that ULF-treated water may enhance cellular hydration and support metabolic functions in biological system. The technology’s ability to alter water at the molecular level offers potential benefits for agriculture, health and wellness, and food and beverage (F&B) processing. The technology owner is seeking potential collaborators: Companies or individuals, interested in integrating this breakthrough technology into their products or exploring new applications across industries such as agriculture, health and wellness, and the F&B sector. Companies or individuals who are looking to acquire the intellectual property (IP). The IP can be specifically carved out for various applications, allowing flexibility and tailored use across different sectors. ULF Electromagnetic Wave Application: The technology uses ULF electromagnetic waves to alter the properties of water by using time varying frequencies and a combination of pulsating AC wave currents along with a DC component of the generated field. Antioxidant Enhancement: By reducing the ORP of water, the technology boosts its antioxidative properties without the need for additional chemicals or additives. Importantly, this process does not make the water more alkaline. No Consumables Required: The device operates without the need for filters, chemicals, or other consumables, allowing for continuous, long-term use with minimal maintenance. The ULF electromagnetic wave technology demonstrates versatile potential across various sectors, with empirical evidence suggesting its applicability in areas such as health and wellness, agriculture, F&B, and industrial water treatment. It has the potential to  Health and Wellness: Antioxidative Benefits: The reduced ORP may enhance water's ability to neutralize free radicals, supporting general health in consumers. Metablic Support: The technology has the potential to enhance molecular energy dynamics to promote improved cellular health and overall metabolic function in the body.  Agriculture: Improved Plant Hydration and Growth: The enhanced capillary action of ULF-treated water allows for more efficient absorption and nutrient delivery in plants. This can optimize crop yield, making it useful for irrigation in agriculture. The improved water absorption can result in healthier plants, faster growth, and better nutrient uptake. Food and Beverage Industry: Extended Shelf Life: The technology can be applied to extend the shelf life of beverages, such as juices, by maintaining their freshness and reducing the need for preservatives. This reduces waste and ensures better product quality over time. Improved Taste and Texture: ULF treatment can reduce bitterness, astringency, and harsh flavors in beverages like coffee, tea, juices, and spirits, enhancing the overall taste profile and consumer experience. It also accelerates the aging process in wines and liquors, producing smoother and more palatable beverages in less time. Cosmetics and Skincare: Antioxidant-Rich Water: The water’s enhanced antioxidative properties could be integrated into cosmetic products and skincare formulations, potentially improving the effectiveness of hydration-based products and promoting healthier skin by neutralizing oxidative stress. Chemical-Free Enhancement: This technology utilizes a pure physical treatment to boost the water’s properties. Additionally, it enhances the taste and extends the shelf life of beverages without any added chemicals. Sustainable and Long-Term Use: No filters or consumables are required for the long-term application of the technology, ensuring a sustainable and hassle-free solution. Electronics, Health and Wellness, Food and beverages, Water, Personal Care, Agriculture, Antioxidant Personal Care, Wellness & Spa, Nutrition & Health Supplements, Manufacturing, Chemical Processes, Foods, Processes
Environmentally-friendly Silica-based Algicidal Hydrogel for Algal Bloom Control
Harmful algal bloom (HAB) releases toxins that can contaminate drinking water, causing illness for animals and humans. The National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS) estimated that the annual economic impact of HABs in the US is $10-100 million. Physical and chemical methods can be employed to deal with these, but they have several limitations. This technology is a 3D structure environmental friendly silica-based hydrogel, which has long-term effect on algal bloom control as well as pathogen control. It is capable of long-acting sustained release and precision dosing. This allows it to effectively replace the existing heavy metal algaecides on the market and solve the problem of indiscriminate dosing of algaecides, antibiotics and other additives in aquaculture. This in turn reduces the amount of drug residues and heavy metal accumulation of the aquatic end-products. Beyond aquaculture, this technology is also applicable for ensuring the health of ornamental aquariums, such as infection of pathogens as well as preventing algal bloom in natural water bodies. This technology consists of a novel composite material with algicidal effects and a real-time monitoring system. Novel Composite Material Sustained release effect which releases active ingredients into water for more than one month (customizable) Comparable algicidal rate with best-performing commercially available algaecides Silica-based porous material No harmful residues, broken down into sand at the end of its life cycle Does not contain heavy metals or antibiotics Real time monitoring system Real-time data on residual chlorine, temperature and pH Modifiable based on application scenario The technology has been employed for water quality maintenance in salt water reservoirs, large scale shrimp and fish ponds, and also for domestic applications in aquarium water quality. In general, it can be used in urban and rural water bodies, fish tanks, swimming pool or seafood restaurants. The estimated market size for solutions dealing with HABs is 68.56 US Billion. This breakthrough technology suitable for the aquaculture industry, aquarium industry and natural water protection area is poised to disrupt this industry. Current methods of algal bloom treatment: Most commercially available algicides only last 1-3 days Natural water bodies employ engineering methods that are costly and require a long time to take effect Home-based aquariums have to perform water changes, which takes time and may harm the fish The aquaculture industry uses algaecides that contain heavy metals and antibiotics, which leave toxic residues in the fish This technology: Provides long acting sustained release and precise dosing to save time, manpower and cost Contains environmentally friendly materials not harmful to marine life and marine ecosystem Can be used as a preventive measure rather than curative Incorporates digitized management to reduce manpower requirements Algal Bloom Control, Algicide, Long-term effect, Environmentally friendly Environment, Clean Air & Water, Biological & Chemical Treatment, Sensor, Network, Monitoring & Quality Control Systems
Sustainable Packaging for Fresh Produce Protection
Globally, the packaging industry faces increasing pressure to reduce its environmental footprint, particularly with the impending implementation of regulations in Europe which requires all packaging to be recyclable or biodegradable by 2025. Traditional packaging materials, often derived from petroleum-based plastics, contribute significantly to environmental pollution, creating waste that takes decades to degrade. Moreover, in industries such as agriculture and food logistics, packaging is often not optimised for moisture resistance, leading to increased spoilage and product damage during transport and storage. This eco-friendly packaging technology, made from natural rubber latex, is fully biodegradable while retaining its cushioning and protective capabilities. Its moisture-resistant properties make it particularly ideal for fresh produce, offering reliable protection throughout transportation and storage. Designed for businesses in the fresh produce sector—such as farmers, packers, and exporters—this sustainable packaging solution meets strict environmental standards while minimizing fruit waste. By providing superior protection, it helps businesses reduce spoilage and product loss, ensuring that goods arrive in optimal condition. The technology owner is looking to collaborate with partners in the packaging, logistics, and agricultural industries to co-develop, testbed and implement this sustainable packaging solution across various sectors. Made from natural rubber (a renewable resource), this packaging material is biodegradable and engineered to provide effective protection and cushioning properties. Some key features of this sustainable packaging material include: Moisture-resistant - making it ideal for fresh produce and other sensitive goods Good shock absorption properties - to protect fragile items during transportation Flexible and adaptable - customisable to meet specific customer needs Eco-friendly Potential applications include (but not limited to): Fresh Produce Packaging: Ensures fruits and vegetables remain intact during transit, reducing spoilage and extending shelf life Fragile Goods: Ideal for cushioning electronics, glassware, and other delicate items E-Commerce and Consumer goods: Provides an eco-friendly cushioning solution for online retail packages Pharmaceuticals and Health Products: Protects sensitive medical products from damage during shipment while adhering to sustainability guidelines This biodegradable packaging technology offers a unique combination of sustainability, durability, and moisture resistance. It offers a packaging solution for industries looking to comply with stringent environmental regulations while maintaining product safety and integrity during transportation. Its ability to reduce both packaging and food waste and protect moisture-sensitive goods enables adopters to shift toward sustainable packaging. sustainable packaging, fresh produce, eco-friendly, impact, protection, moisture resistant, natural, rubber, latex, packaging, composite, fruits, vegetables, food packaging Materials, Plastics & Elastomers, Composites, Foods, Packaging & Storage, Sustainability, Circular Economy