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Leveraging our wide network of partners, we have curated numerous enabling technologies available for licensing and commercialisation across different industries and domains. Our focus also extends to emerging technologies in Singapore and beyond, where we actively seek out new technology offerings that can drive innovation and accelerate business growth.

By harnessing the power of these emerging technologies and embracing new technology advancements, businesses can stay at the forefront of their fields. Explore our technology offers and collaborate with partners of complementary technological capabilities for co-innovation opportunities. Reach out to IPI Singapore to transform your business with the latest technological advancements.

Virus-binding Protein Technology Derived from Beans
Norovirus is a highly contagious non-enveloped virus responsible for causing >90% of viral gastroenteritis, and >50% of all gastroenteritis outbreaks worldwide. According to the WHO, norovirus causes an estimated 685 million cases of infection and 200,000 deaths per year. Its resilience poses challenges for eradication through altering pH, heat exposure, or common disinfectants. Notably, alcohol-based hand sanitisers are not as effective against this virus, according to the US CDC. To address this, a biotech company has successfully developed a novel virus-binding protein technology derived from jack beans or sword beans. This patented lectin protein exhibits antiviral properties and has demonstrated the ability to neutralise not only norovirus, but also coronavirus and Hepatitis A virus. It has also demonstrated activity against Escherichia coli bacteria.  By utilising this innovative technology, viral outbreaks can be prevented. This versatile lectin protein can be incorporated as an active ingredient into various product formulations. The technology owner is especially interested to work with companies from health service sectors, and personal care product manufacturers. Anti-viral technology: The lectin protein derived from jack or sword beans exhibits the ability to bind to the antigen sites of both norovirus and coronavirus, effectively neutralising these viruses. Versatility: Hand soap enriched with this jack bean or sword bean extract has been scientifically proven to possess 99% anti-coronavirus activity and 99.9% anti-Escherichia coli activity.  Effectiveness: A comparative study based on the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM E 1838-02) standard finger pad method has shown that hand soap formulated with this lectin protein demonstrates higher anti-norovirus activity when compared to regular hand soap, significantly enhancing the cleaning performance of formulated products (90.48% vs. 27.41%).  Certified product: The anti-norovirus and anti-coronavirus properties of the hand soap were certified by independent test institutes, such as Korea Conformity Laboratories under the Korea Laboratory Accreditation Scheme (KOLAS). This novel lectin protein extracted from jack or sword beans may be used as an active ingredient in a wide range of products for applications such as: Personal care, e.g. hand soap, oral hygiene products, hand disinfectants, etc. Health care services Surface disinfectant The virus-binding property of the lectin protein also offers the potential for the development of virus testing kits, diagnostic devices and medical devices for clinical collection of oral viruses. According to Global Market Insights, the global liquid hand soap market crossed over US$3.0 billion in 2022, and is expected to grow at a CAGR of >7.5% from 2023 to 2032. Effectiveness: Unlike the abundantly available alcohol-based sanitiser, which is a less effective against norovirus, the lectin-enriched hand wash is effective in neutralising the virus. Non-toxic: Based on in vivo test in C57BL/6 mice, the bean extract has no effect on the survival rate, and does not cause hepatotoxicity nor toxicity of lung and spleen tissues.  Non-allergic: A dermatological test confirmed that it is safe for use, even on sensitive skin.  Versatility: The technology can be effective at reducing norovirus, coronavirus, hepatitis A virus and E. coli by 90-99%.  Eco-friendly: The technology serves as a safer alternative to conventional synthetic disinfectants. virus, soaps, detergents, hygiene, biobased materials, cleaning technology Personal Care, Cosmetics & Hair, Healthcare, Diagnostics, Chemicals, Bio-based
Safe and Rechargeable Water-Based Battery
To achieve a net-zero carbon emission goal, energy derived from fossil fuels are replaced with green renewables such as solar, wind, etc. However, these renewable energies are intermittent in nature and therefore requires a reliable energy storage system to store these energies. Today, batteries based on lithium-ion and lead-acid are widely used as the go-to energy storage system. However, there are fire safety concerns for the conventional lithium-ion batteries due to its highly volatile and flammable electrolyte while the acidic electrolyte and carcinogenic lead used in lead-acid posed threat to both human and environmental health. Therefore, there is a need for a new safe and environmentally friendly battery system. This technology offer is a safe and rechargeable water-based battery using a unique green electrolyte formulation (close to neutral pH). Owing to the widened electrochemical stability window and high ionic conductivity of the proposed electrolyte formulation, it enables superior electrochemical performance of the electrode materials used in the batteries, suited towards large-scale energy storage applications. Safe technology: No risk of fire or explosion Green: Environmentally friendly, non-toxic and non-corrosive materials used High performance: High-rate capability with superior cell energy density (50 – 140 Wh/kg, 5000 – 10000 cycles, 80 – 90% cycle efficiency) Ease of assembly and maintenance: System can be handled and operated in an ambient environment Cheap ($45/kWh) This technology offer is for industries or partners who are interested in energy or battery storage systems. The potential applications include but are not limited to: Store clean renewables energies (e.g., solar, wind, etc) from power generation side Supply low-cost energy and power energy demand from household/industrial/ commercial/EV charging station Provide safe and stable energy system as a backup power for high security building (e.g., data centre, etc) Safe (non-flammable system) High performance (50 – 140 Wh/kg, 5000 – 10000 cycles, 80 – 90% cycle efficiency) Cheap ($45/kWh) Easy assembly and maintenance Scalable Environmentally friendly (non-toxic and non-corrosive materials) Battery, sustainability, energy, Electrolyte, energy storage system Energy, Battery & SuperCapacitor, Sustainability, Low Carbon Economy
Anti-Pathogen Stainless Steel with Long-Term Inherent Antimicrobial Properties
Worldwide, infectious diseases not only affect the health of millions annually but also incur an immeasurable economic cost. The transmission of pathogenic viruses in public areas has been a long-standing issue. Stainless steel (SS) is one of the most extensively used materials in public areas and hygiene facilities, such as door handles, elevator buttons, handrails, countertops, etc. However, SS lacks inherent properties to combat pathogen microbes on its surfaces, posting a high risk of disease transmission among people via surface touching. Additionally, certain pathogens, like SARS-CoV-2, exhibit strong stability on SS surfaces, with viable viruses detected even after three days. To address this challenge, the technology owner has developed anti-pathogen stainless steel, which is a significant breakthrough in the field of anti-microbial SS. It stands as the world’s first SS capable of combating the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-Cov-2) on its surface. Furthermore, its antimicrobial properties are broad-spectrum and can inactivate many other pathogen microbes, such as the H1N1 influenza A virus (H1N1) and Escherichia coli (E. coli). Unlike surface coatings that may wear off over time, the antimicrobial precipitates are permanently embedded in the whole SS matrix, providing long-term inherent antimicrobial properties. Thus, this anti-pathogen SS can effectively and chronically inactivate pathogen microbes even though its surface is continuously damaged. The technology owner is keen to do R&D collaboration and licensing to application developers intending to implement anti-pathogen SS in various industries. This anti-pathogen stainless steel has the following technical features: Excellent antiviral rate >99.999% (according to ISO 21702-2019 standard) Broad-spectrum antimicrobial properties, effective against H1N1, E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, etc. Wear-resistant antimicrobial properties at any depth from the surface Long-term antimicrobial properties and wear resistance (without surface coating) Compatible with traditional precision casting process Can be fabricated in various shapes and sizes for different applications The anti-pathogen and anti-COVID-19 SS can be customised for various products and applications, particularly those with high hygiene requirements. The potential applications include but are not limited to: Public Areas: frequently touched items such as lift buttons, door handles, handrails, ticket counters, etc. Medical and Healthcare Facilities: surgical instruments like tweezers and knives, hospital trays, bed rails, etc. Childcare and Elderly Care: appliances in schools and nursing homes, such as toys, walkers, toilet handles, etc. Food Industries: food preparation surfaces, kitchen appliances, kitchenwares, cold-chain storage, etc. Residential and Commercial Buildings: contact-related products like doorbells, light switches, water taps, etc. The breakthrough technology offers the following unique features: The first stainless steel capable of combating both bacteria and viruses, including COVID-19 and SARS-Cov-2 virus Excellent broad-spectrum antimicrobial properties with an antiviral rate >99.99% Inherent antimicrobial properties without any additional treatment Enable cost-effective mass production using existing precision casting process and powder metallurgy technology The technology owner is keen to do R&D collaboration and licensing to application developers intending to implement anti-pathogen SS in various industries. Antibacteria, antiviral, stainless steel, public health, healthcare, SARS-Cov-2 Materials, Metals & Alloys, Healthcare, Medical Devices
Simple and Energy-Saving Bituminous Waterproofing Coating without Heating
Bitumen is widely used as an essential binder for many applications due to its excellent adhesive properties, waterproofing, and high durability. However, the conventional application of bitumen involves on-site melting at high temperature exceeding 250°C, necessitating rapid pouring on the surface with additional torch-on, which poses complications and safety risks. Moreover, the on-site melting process releases harmful gases, including hydrogen sulphide and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), endangering workers and nearby areas. To address these challenges, there is a need to develop a safer form of bitumen that does not compromise material performance. This technology transforms solid bitumen into a single-component liquid bituminous coating at room temperature via a simple and cost-effective formulation using solvents, fillers, and additives. The fillers used in the single-component liquid bituminous coating can be made from waste materials such as food waste. Such sustainable fillers could offer comparable material performance to conventional industrial fillers. This high-performance bituminous coating has excellent workability at room temperature, fast drying, and easy production without the need for heating. Thus, this technology eliminates the hazards associated with conventional application of bitumen, providing a safe and energy-saving alternative. One practical application of this technology is a roof waterproofing system that complies with Singapore standards SS133:2017 and/or SS374:1994 (2023). This technology is available for R&D collaboration, IP licensing, and test-bedding with industrial partners in the construction and infrastructure sectors.   Free of smoke and fumes Simple and energy-saving production (no heating required) Water-resistant, corrosion-resistant, and UV resistant Fast-drying and odourless after drying Easy application with excellent coverage Can be easily applied by brush, spray, squeegee, or trowel Compatible with various substrates and structures (dry or damp surfaces) Applicable to both horizontal and vertical surfaces without substantial runoff Option to incorporate sustainable fillers Complies with SS133:2017 and/or SS374:1994 (2023) standards The potential applications include: Primer and paints Waterproofing coating Sealants Adhesives Binder additive in various substrates, including cement, concrete, metal structures, and castings The technology offers the following unique features: Transform solid bitumen into a single-component liquid bituminous coating at room temperature via a simple and cost-effective formulation Option to incorporate sustainable fillers Simple, eco-friendly, and energy-saving process without heating Can be applied to different structural elements for waterproofing, damp proofing, and corrosion resistance Materials, Composites, Chemicals, Coatings & Paints, Organic
Eco-friendly Direct Conversion of Biogas into Liquid Fuels
Liquid fuels from biogas are a promising source of renewable and clean energy as they give a lower emission of sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, and soot than conventional fossil fuels. They are sustainable and economically viable as they can be obtained from agricultural waste. However, transforming biogas into a high-value liquid fuel equivalent to diesel or gasoline requires a costly two-step process.  The technology developer has developed a novel enhanced capsule catalysts with unique core-shell structures that enable the production of high value-added liquid fuels from biogas in a single step with only one reactor. These capsule catalysts directly convert synthetic gas (syngas) into liquid fuels, which have improved petrol-like qualities. Therefore, these liquid fuels can be used either as diesel or gasoline substitutes without any modification to engines and existing refuelling facilities. The technology developer seeks companies looking for renewable and clean energy through the gas-to-liquid (GTL) technology to license and commercialise this technology.  The novel enhanced capsule catalysts have a unique core-shell structures to produce liquid fuels from biogas in a single step. The capsule catalysts have the following properties: Dual functionalities, which bring about gas-to-liquid reactions while enabling catalytic cracking and isomerisation, thus achieving a one-step process Excellent durability and high surface area, enabling a higher yield of liquid fuel A robust mesoporous framework that is optimised for the conversion rate of reaction High selectivity for shorter-chain or light hydrocarbon (C5-C10) and a high CO conversion, allowing biogas to be converted more efficiently into high-value liquid fuels within a shorter period of time The direct conversion of syngas allows liquid fuels to be obtained with properties similar to diesel or gasoline, as a renewable and clean energy source, without any modification to engines and existing refuelling facilities. The technology developed for catalyst production and syngas conversion to liquid transport fuels is highly scalable. This technology has the potential to reduce the overall cost of the process as only one reactor is required with these novel catalysts as compared to two reactors using the existing technology. Biogas has been identified as one of the sustainable and economically viable solutions because the feedstock can be obtained from agricultural wastes and wastewater from industries, either locally or from neighbouring regions. Therefore, this technology has the potential to penetrate the market for catalytic materials in the gas-to-liquid processes.  Suitable for: Poultry farms Food waste treatment plants Wastewater treatment industries  Companies who are looking for renewable and clean energy through the gas-to-liquid (GTL) technology to diversify their energy sources. Applications: Diesel or gasoline substitutes  Reduce gas-to-liquid production costs as only one reactor is required Ability to obtain liquid fuels with properties similar to diesel or gasoline without further modifications Scalable More efficient compared to the existing technology with a single-step process conversion to liquid fuel biogas, clean energy, renewable energy, sustainable fuel, bioenergy Energy, Biofuels & Biomass, Waste-to-Energy, Sustainability, Circular Economy, Low Carbon Economy
Stand-alone Voice Recognition Smart Wall Switch
The smart wall switch's core technology is centered around the conversion of initial voice-based signals into electrical signals. Through an innovative design, it efficiently generates DC power utilizing solely an AI voice recognition sensor and an existing AC power line. Remarkably, this cutting-edge switch is entirely independent, requiring no additional electrical work, batteries, or Internet connection for its seamless operation. Unlike IoT that require an Internet connection, this standalone voice recognition switches implemented the function of artificial intelligence voice recognition without any network. With this function, this switch can be used as a 1:1 direct replacement of a standard power on/ off switch, without additional electrical work or Internet connection. It is a stand-alone voice recognition switch made by receiving DC power from a single switch wire on the wall, combining it with an ultra-low power voice recognition sensor. The switch is also designed to be controlled by any standard infra-red remote controller, or by pressing the front panel button. This product is designed to be implemented in any languages in the world. The purpose of this product development is to make it easy and convenient for anyone to use a voice recognition switch, and it is designed as a product that can promote safety, especially for users with mobility difficulty.  It supports disabled Individuals and elderly person in: Independent Living: With voice recognition on/off switches integrated into home automation or assistive technology, disabled individuals can control various devices and perform tasks independently using voice commands. Reduced Physical Strain: Voice recognition eliminates the need for physically operating devices, making it easier for individuals with mobility challenges to interact with technology and appliances. A world’s first standalone voice recognition switch combines ultra-low power voice recognition sensors with its own power circuit, operates independently without Internet connectivity. It is designed to control the switch in 3 ways: Voice command within 5 meters, by pressing the front button and using a standard Infra-red remote controller. 1:1 direct replacement of a standard power on/ off switch No additional power line is needed Designed with overvoltage/ overcurrent protection circuits. This product is equipped with a distress rescue function and is also used by the Ministry of Health and Welfare of Korea as a safety system for the disabled and the socially disadvantaged. Smart wall switch, Electronics Related Equipment, Toys and electronic games, Consumer Products, Electric Companies Infocomm, Artificial Intelligence, Speech/Audio Analysis & Speech Recognition, Electronics, Power Management, Green Building, Lightings
Wireless Fiber Optic Sensing For Structural Health Monitoring
Wireless monitoring solutions are gaining traction worldwide due to their added benefits of continuous monitoring capability 24/7. An innovative technology has been devised that has a way of converting variations in the reflected wavelength from fiber grating based sensors into intensity variations that can be easily processed through the electronic circuits and transmitted wirelessly. Conventional fiber grating based sensors measure the wavelength shift of the reflected light to determine the mechanical strain experienced by the medium in which the grating is embedded.  This is conventionally done through a Fabre Perot interferometer which is referred to as the Interrogator but is a costly solution. The innovative circuitry eliminates the need of the costly, and typically more bulky interferometer, replacing them with cost effective and compact fiber components configured in such a way that converts mechanical strain into intensity changes. Fiber Bragg Grating based fiber optic sensors connected to a LoRaWAN (923MHz) based wireless network. 1550nm Centre wavelength sensors connected to a configured wireless node to capture data and send to a designated server. Low powered, battery operated device with fully configurable sensor inputs. Suitable for players in the condition monitoring/structural health monitoring/ FEA validation fields. The system is designed for structural health monitoring applications which is agnostic in terms of specific industry. The system can be deployed in any industry that requires some form of monitoring of their asset, e.g. Aerospace/Oil and Gas, Civil Infrastructure, Rail, Mining etc. Conventional wireless technologies do not cater for fiber optic sensors, where fiber option solutions may have significant advantages in specific use cases. This system provides all of the benefits of a wireless system but based on fiber optic sensors. Conventional fiber optic systems are expensive in comparison to conventional electrical systems and are also not readily suitable for on-site deployment. This system reduces the cost of the optical components with the simplified architecture, as well as provides a system that is suitable to be deployed directly in the field. Fiber Bragg Grating, FBG, Wireless, Structural Health Monitoring, Condition monitoring, Sensor Electronics, Printed Electronics, Lasers, Optics & Photonics, Infocomm, Big Data, Data Analytics, Data Mining & Data Visualisation, Green Building, Sensor, Network, Building Control & Optimisation, Wireless Technology
Intelligent Communities Lifecycle (ICL) Digital Twin Suite
With a focus on built environment, the digital twin technology developed by a Singapore SME offers a suite of tools to model, analyse and continually optimise entire groups of buildings, portfolios, communities, cities and resource networks across their lifecycle, providing a truly scalable solution to decarbonise the built environment. Bridging the gap between the real world and simulation, the digital twin enables the energy efficient design and continuous operational optimisation of not just single but entire groups of buildings. The digital twin solution investigates operational problems using AI and machine learning, engaging the community feedback in real time. It improves operational decisions by understanding where to focus attention on and facilitate decision making by the building operators. The technology owner is seeking partnerships with large building portfolio owner, product developer, IoT solutions provider who can deploy the digital twin solution for their clients. The digital twin tools integrate physics-based simulation with 3D models, real-time operational data, machine learning and AI, to provide a digital twin solution for the built environment that is unique to any other in today’s market. The digital twin technology provides: Physics Enabled Simulation Climate Ready Master-planning Design & Retrofit to Zero-Carbon Standards Community Energy & Renewable Integration Operational & Community Dashboards Data Analysis from Physical & Virtual Sensors Real-Time Optimisation & Fault Detection The digital twin technology can be used in any built environment (e.g. universities, local authorities, commercial real estate, healthcare, manufacturing, cities). The solution can be used for singular buildings or scale up to a city, across any geographical scale, the tools link all aspects of every building’s lifecycle from design and construction right through to operation. The solution connects everyone from owners and occupants, to planners and community leaders, in a single collaborative environment. Digital twins are one of the fastest growing technology segments in the market. Fortune Business estimates the market to be USD 6.7bn with a CAGR of 40%. The growth potential coupled to the growing applications makes digital twins an enormous potential for this decade.  Fully scalable from a single building to an entire city, The digital twin technology goes beyond building information modelling to create a live digital twin which responds and behaves like its real world counterpart. Delivering the data-driven information needed to uncover significant energy, carbon, capital and operational savings, while taking account of resource use, transport, social and economic factors. Digital Twins, Decarbonization, Net-Zero Buildings, Zero Carbon, Sustainability Energy, Sensor, Network, Power Conversion, Power Quality & Energy Management, Green Building, Sensor, Network, Building Control & Optimisation, Environment, Clean Air & Water, Sensor, Network, Monitoring & Quality Control Systems, Sustainability, Low Carbon Economy
Filtration System for Redox-based Lithium Battery Material Recycling
Recycling of lithium-ion battery material is becoming an increasing necessity and to execute that task in an environmentally friendly and cost-effective method is as important. The novel method of recycling spent battery material using a redox flow battery approach requires the solid spent battery material to react with liquid electrolyte in the tank. The proposed technology by a Singapore-based research team relates to an electrolyte tank filtration system designed to allow solid particles to freely mix and react with electrolyte in the tank of the flow battery system, while being filtered and prevented from entering the pump and cell stack. The holder is designed to be simply placed into and removed from the electrolyte tank, and subsequently, for the easy removal of the solid from the holder itself. This innovation will allow the continuous running of the flow battery system while changing the filter periodically. The research team anticipates that companies planning to utilise redox flow battery recycling method would require the use of such a filter system to reduce the downtime of the entire system. The team is seeking to collaborate with an industrial partner for further research and development of the filtration system and subsequent licensing of the technology for commercialisation. The electrolyte tank filtration system allows free mixing of electrolyte with solid reactants, while preventing the solid particles from entering the pump and cell with the electrolyte Flexibility in addition and removal of multiple filter holders Ease of removing filter paper and solid product from filter holder Able to run flow battery continuously without having to stop for filter removal, leading to no downtime of the system While this technology is designed specifically for the recycling of solid spent battery materials using the redox flow battery system, it can be adapted to be deployed in any flow battery applications that requires filtration of solids reactants from a liquid electrolyte. Based on a non-exhaustive secondary research by the team, there is no “state-of-the-art’ filtration system designed for redox flow battery used for battery material recycling. Filtration systems in the market are not specifically made for the purpose of recycling battery material in a flow battery and therefore do not come with the features and the advantages that come with the proposed technology. Present technology can only allow for such filtration batch by batch, causing stoppages and idle time for the entire flow cell system. Lithium battery, Material recycling, Flow battery, Filter design, Flow frame, Tank design Energy, Battery & SuperCapacitor, Waste Management & Recycling, Industrial Waste Management