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Leveraging our wide network of partners, we have curated numerous enabling technologies available for licensing and commercialisation across different industries and domains. Our focus also extends to emerging technologies in Singapore and beyond, where we actively seek out new technology offerings that can drive innovation and accelerate business growth.

By harnessing the power of these emerging technologies and embracing new technology advancements, businesses can stay at the forefront of their fields. Explore our technology offers and collaborate with partners of complementary technological capabilities for co-innovation opportunities. Reach out to IPI Singapore to transform your business with the latest technological advancements.

Novel Marker for High Sensitivity Detection of Human DNA
Human DNA contamination is an issue in the process of manufacturing devices for molecular and genomic applications. Such devices need to be certified human DNA free for sensitive downstream processes. Therefore, there is a need to monitor human DNA residual level in factory surfaces and in final products. The technology provider had identified a novel target for detection of human DNA and developed a highly sensitive PCR based detection method for presence of human DNA based on this target. They have demonstrated that the method is specific, sensitive and with low cost. Compared to a commercial kit available in the market, this method is at least 500 times more sensitive. This method will be a valuable tool for device manufacturers. In addition, it can also be applied on forensic as well as environmental samples. Furthermore, the principle of the method can be adapted to detect other animal species for either identification or monitoring purposes. The said method is simple and reproducible. It meets the requirement described in the ISO 18385 standard (Minimizing the risk of human DNA contamination in products used to collect, store and analyse biological material for forensic purposes-Requirement) in terms of detection sensitivity. One of the key advantages of this innovation is its superior sensitivity level in human DNA detection. When compared with a commercial human DNA detection kit on the market, thismethod demonstrated at least 500 times higher sensitivity when performed under comparable conditions in parallel. The primary application will be for certification of human DNA-free in manufactured products. With this test, products can meet higher standard of requirement especially in the molecular biology and genomic DNA related applications. Therefore manufacturers can broaden its market reach and add value to their products. This method can also be applied identification of human remains in forensic samples. With higher sensitivity level, efficient routine tests procedure can be established by using less samples volume or even pooled samples. The overall test cost will be lower.   DNA, DNA detection, PCR Healthcare, Diagnostics, Medical Devices, Chemicals, Agrochemicals, Analysis
Multiple Pickup and Delivery Planning Solution
Multiple Pickup and Delivery Planning (MPDP) is very common in both passenger and cargo transport operations. However, due to the planning complexity, it is impossible to quickly generate good solutions manually to support daily transport operation planning. The MPDP solution developed by the team is able to close the gap by quickly generating transport plans for multiple vehicles with multiple pickup locations and multiple delivery locations. Web-based application. No installation required and easy to access Capable of handling multiple complex constraints, such as different time windows, different vehicle types, different vehicle departure times, different vehicle start and end locations, Visualisation of jobs and planned routes on both map and Gantt chart Flexible for human planner to overwrite the existing plan with drag-and-drop feature The MPDP solution can be applied to two potential areas. The first area is passenger transport planning for Book-a-Ride, bus pooling and carpooling services. The MPDP solution is able to quickly generate high quality plans either in advance or in real-time to replace the manual planning. The second area is cargo delivery planning in the logistics industry. The potential users include packed food delivery to consumers from different restaurants, courier service providers who provide same day pickup and delivery services, premier transport service providers who provide 2-hour delivery services etc. The solution will facilitate the human planner to assign travel routes based on the vehicle’s current location, vehicle capacity, service requestor’s start and end location as well as service start time. The solution will also consider the drivers break time, vehicle departure location and end location. Moreover, the planning and scheduling engine developed is able to run in the background to assign passengers to vehicles automatically. This feature can also be used for the real-time planning of last minute transport service requests. The solution can be applied for both passenger service providers and logistics industry players for delivery planning. Potential users includes of Dial a Ride (DAR) service providers and logistics opterators that provide same day pickup and delivery courier services.  Provide better service to customers Reduce operating cost by cutting vehicle traveling distance on the road Improve vehicle utilisation to generate more revenue Infocomm, Enterprise & Productivity, Logistics, Planning & Order Processing, Transportation, Delivery & Distribution
End-to-end UWB/BLE Based Indoor Location Tracking Solution
Our Location Tracking solution enables companies in manufacturing, logistics and healthcare to streamline their operations and increase their product quality through Reduce searching and assembly time by locating tools with 30cm accuracy Improved visibility on work order status and location to identify bottlenecks in real-time and avoid delays Streamline intralogistics flow by optimising material handling equipment's motion and increasing their utilization rates. For example, we help hospitals to track medical equipment, to monitor the flow of patients, and to guide visitors. We help factories to automate supply chain decisions, to locate tools/equipment, to analyse intralogistics flows. Finally, we help retail clients for self-service and delivery, such as table service in fast-food restaurants. Overall, we help B2B clients in several sectors to reduce their operational 'waste' by minimally 20%. To achieve this, we have developed an end-to-end Location Tracking Solution, with active RF tags that emit Bluetooth or Ultrawide Band signals, gateways that collect the signals, and server software which computes positions and provides user applications (search, alert, analytics ...). We've learned how to best address our clients' requirements, by designing a solution which adds value through a unique blend: Hybridization: using a single IoT infrastructure, most location-based use cases can be addressed on a physical site, whether related to people, tools, parts or other moving assets. This helps achieve faster ROI since the infrastructure investment is shared among stakeholders. Industrialisation: we have proven its ability to deliver high volumes with over 500k devices produced, over 3k sites in operations, and deployment tools for over the years. We can deliver "Plug & Play" RTLS thanks to unique features such as auto-mapping & auto-calibration. Openness: our platform is not meant to be a standalone silo, but to be integrated into legacy IT systems using our API. For instance, we have connectors with SAP's manufacturing executive system, MII. Also, third party active tags can be utilised instead of our-branded tags. We bring for the first time affordability and reliability thanks to advanced mathematical algorithms software and low-cost design: we can achieve prices up to 10x lower than historical players. And we've proven our ability to deploy at scale and bring ROI in less than a year. For Tools: Increase Utilization Rate / Reduce new tool orders Optimise layout / reduce transportation Smarter maintenance (when needed, not too early or too late), e.g. calibration Reduce tool loss For Work-In-Progress Parts / Products (Work orders): Reduce errors in delivery (since the work orders are correctly tagged) Other Lean techniques, eg Value Stream Mapping Optimise work-in-progress stock levels Provide visibility to customers regarding their order status (know when they can come on-site and do acceptance tests if they want to) Reduce time searching for products stored on site For Material Handling Equipment: MHE is usually expensive and can come in great quantities. It is therefore vital to track it, in order to utilize it in an optimal manner, in order to avoid losing them and having to reorder more. Furthermore, they can block the production: when a forklift isn't available to move parts in an automotive factory, where Takt Time is usually 60sec, then 10,000s of Eur are quickly lost. Another benefit of MHE tracking is to apply the Lean Manufacturing technique: measure the flows, then optimise the process and layout. 10-20% Turnaround time reduction 10-15% reduction in Material Handling Equipment costs 20-30% increase in Worker Productivity Asset Tracking, BLE, flow management, IIOT, Indoor location, location analytics, UWB Electronics, Sensors & Instrumentation, Infocomm, Big Data, Data Analytics, Data Mining & Data Visualisation, Enterprise & Productivity, Radio Frequency, Internet of Things, Ambient Intelligence & Context-Aware Computing, Wireless Technology, Logistics, Inventory Management