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As a subsidiary of Enterprise Singapore, IPI accelerates the innovation journey of enterprises through access to its global innovation ecosystem and advisory services. We stand at the forefront of innovation-driven transformation, and our advisory services in Singapore are your key to unlocking growth and success for your business.

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Precision Contactless Heart Rate and Respiratory Rate Monitoring System
Radar sensor technology, particularly at the millimeter-wave (mmWave) range, offers innovative ways to monitor human health by leveraging electromagnetic waves to gather vital signs non-invasively. This non-contact approach is highly effective for measuring heart rate and respiratory rate, enhancing comfort for users by eliminating the need for physical sensors. This mmWave radar detects small body movements, such as chest expansion and contractions due to breathing, as well as micro-movements from heartbeats. One of the key advantages of this technology is its ability to penetrate clothing and bedding, making it ideal for continuous monitoring in sleep studies, elderly care, and other medical applications. It also functions reliably regardless of lighting conditions or ambient noise, unlike optical or acoustic sensors. This radar technology allows for immediate data collection, enabling quick responses in emergencies and optimizing overall performance.
Privacy First Spatial and Behavioural AI for Smart Spaces
The adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions in smart buildings is increasing due to the numerous benefits it brings, from sustainability to energy savings to safety and wellbeing. Due to this, there have been a proliferation of cameras or wearables deployed. However, due to this, there is a growing pushback due to these technologies being invasive to privacy and the user’s way of life. Current non-invasive to privacy vision solution have limited precision in distinguishing multiple objects within a 3D area, reducing their potential integration to current smart solutions. The technology owner has developed an innovative solution to overcome the issues above through the use of advanced infrared thermal array sensors combined with AI-driven analytics software for contactless and continuous monitoring of human activities while preserving privacy. The intelligent spatial and behavioural sensing solution is able to enable multi-user detection with their respective range while maintaining privacy of all users within a 3D space. This results in a modular solution which provides higher precision, more energy efficient and easier integration compared to other traditional thermal sensing cameras. The technology owner is looking for collaborative partners, including smart building facilities providers and IoT technology integrators, which require a sensing solution which prioritises privacy of users first while ensuring complete functionality of detection and range within a 3D space.
Eco-Friendly, Decentralised Solar PV Recycling Solution
The global demand for proper end-of-life management of photovoltaic (PV) panels is rising, with an estimated 78 million tonnes of PV waste expected by 2050. Singapore's rapidly expanding solar industry faces a growing challenge of sustainable disposal as it anticipates a solar capacity of over 1.2GW by 2024. According to International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), this could result in 3,000 tonnes of PV waste in 2024-2025 and up to 6,600 tonnes by 2030. Given Singapore's limited land space, there is an urgent need for efficient and profitable recycling solutions to minimize solar panel waste going to landfills. This solution enables PV panel recycling through fully mechanical processes housed in a 40-foot shipping container. Unlike traditional methods that use thermal treatments or harmful chemicals, it employs customized robotic and mechanical processes, producing no chemical waste and consuming less energy. As a mobile solution, it can be deployed directly at decommissioning sites, eliminating the need for transport to centralized facilities and significantly reducing logistics costs. This environmentally friendly, cost-effective solution turns PV waste into a profitable business opportunity. It offers a circular, plug-and-play solution for recyclers looking to quickly expand into solar panel recycling and meet market demands efficiently. It delivers environmental, technological, and commercial benefits. The technology owner is keen to collaborate with local and international e-waste recycling companies with established material networks for aluminium, glass, and silicon, as well as partners with advanced extraction technologies or further upcycling capabilities for silicon and silver.
Edible Plant Protein Scaffolds For Cultivated Meat Production
Cultured meat has been hailed as a sustainable future meat production technology, which requires edible and scalable scaffolds to support cell growth. Plant proteins are the most promising raw materials for edible scaffolds but remain underutilized. This technology involves the use of proteins from various grains to produce porous scaffolds and microbeads for cultured meat application. The scaffolds and microbeads could be easily developed with superior properties suitable for cell growth. The plant protein scaffolds and microbeads demonstrate promising potential in providing nutritional value and unique textural characteristics, highlighting the viability of cereal prolamin in promoting cultured meat production.
Oily Wastewater Treatment Technology using High-Performance Oil-Degrading Microorganisms
The increasing use of fats and oils in food processing has led to higher concentrations in industrial effluents, overwhelming traditional wastewater treatment systems and clogging sewer pipes, which disrupts business operations. Commonly used methods like pressurized floating separation are limited and often result in incineration, increasing waste management costs. Rising treatment costs, odor control, and waste management remain significant concerns for factory operators. This technology uses an innovative "organic treatment method" with powerful microorganisms that decompose fats and oils directly from wastewater. These microorganisms can rapidly degrade various fats and oils, including plant, animal, and fish oils, as well as trans fatty acids, even at concentrations over 10,000 mg/L, using a microbial symbiotic system. Efficiently degrade various fats and oils, including plant, animal, fish oils, as well as trans fatty acids. By decomposing fats and oils directly, it reduces the need for physical separation and incineration, cutting down on industrial waste management costs. This approach also supports sustainable waste reduction and mitigates the risk of clogged sewer pipes. Technology has demonstrated the stable performance of oil decomposition in wastewater throughout a year in a field test at a food oil factory.  The technology owner seeks collaboration with food, oil, and other plants with oily wastewater and wastewater treatment facility providers looking for organic solutions for end users.
Customizable Green Resins and Green Composites for a Sustainable Future
Commercially available fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) systems are primarily based on petroleum-derived resins and synthetic fibers such as glass and carbon, which are not sustainable. These conventional resin formulations contain highly volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that are harmful to both human health and the environment, while their production also results in a significant carbon footprint. As industries seek more eco-friendly solutions, there is a growing market demand for sustainable alternatives, such as green resins and bio-carbon composites. To improve safety and reduce the carbon footprint, the technology owner has developed a series of green resins that contain up to 85% bio-carbon and are low in VOCs. Produced from renewable feedstock, these green resins are less hazardous and require minimal GHS labelling (i.e., 1 GHS or no GHS). Their mechanical, thermal, and chemical properties are comparable to those of petroleum-based resins.  Additionally. their use of renewable feedstock aligns with increasing regulations and consumer demand for sustainable solutions, crucial for reducing industrial carbon footprints and promoting safer manufacturing practices. These eco-friendly alternatives offer reduced VOC emissions, a lower environmental impact, and align with the increasing focus on sustainability. The technology owner is eager to collaborate with industrial partners on co-development and proof-of-concept trials to evaluate the performance of green resins and composites and explore their potential applications. The ideal partners could be fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) manufactures, specialty chemical companies, automotive and appliances companies.
Intelligent Sanitization Monitoring
The National Environment Authority (NEA) has highlighted urinal overflow as a common issue in malls and coffee shops, yet effective solutions remain limited. An Intelligent Sanitization Monitoring System is designed to address this challenge while enhancing the performance and reliability of sanitary fixtures. Operates non-intrusively, the system continuously monitors water flow through sanitary fixtures, detecting early signs of blockage. Upon identifying a potential obstruction, it automatically stops water flow to prevent overflows and minimize damage. Additionally, the system tracks and wirelessly transmits usage data to a central gateway, providing more accurate insights than traditional human traffic data. This allows for reduced cleaning frequency and improved water conservation. To further enhance the system, a water meter—whether conventional or non-intrusive—may be installed to monitor potential leakage or abnormal water usage. If there is constant water flow despite the sanitary ware not being in use, it may indicate a leak in the system. Such water monitoring data could be further developed for application in various areas, including but not limited to BTUs, chillers, or even underground pipes. By proactively managing water flow, the system not only protects infrastructure but also conserves water through optimal use. It integrates seamlessly into existing setups, requiring minimal maintenance and offering a cost-effective solution for both residential and commercial environments. This technology reduces maintenance efforts, optimizes manpower, and contributes to a safer, more sustainable environment, providing peace of mind to users and property owners alike.
Sustainable Passive Radiative Cooling Paint for Sub-Ambient Cooling
As global temperatures rise, the increasing demand for cooling has become a critical challenge, particularly in tropical regions. Conventional cooling methods, such as air-conditioning and mechanical ventilation systems, consume significant amounts of electricity and release greenhouse gases, exacerbating global warming. Radiative cooling offers a promising zero-energy alternative by utilizing selective emission of thermal radiation (infrared) to dissipate heat into outer space, effectively lowering the temperature of terrestrial surfaces without heavily relying on air conditioning. The technology offer is a high-performance passive radiative cooling paint (PRCP) with nanoparticles dispersed in a polymeric matrix. Unlike conventional paints, this innovative cooling paint combines high solar reflectivity with high thermal emissivity, reducing surface temperatures below ambient (i.e. below surrounding air temperature). It can reflect incoming solar radiation while simultaneously emit thermal radiation, achieving effective cooling even under direct sunlight. The paint can be applied to buildings and any sky-facing objects to reduce surface temperatures and thereby lower energy consumption and the demand for air-conditioning. When adopted on a large scale, it helps mitigate the urban heat island effect by significantly reducing pedestrian-level air temperatures, improving thermal comfort. In Singapore’s challenging hot and humid climate, this cooling paints has demonstrated the ability to reduce surface temperatures by up to 3⁰C below ambient, providing a proven zero-energy cooling solution. The technology owner is seeking R&D collaboration and test-bedding opportunities with real estate and building owners, developers, architects, facility owners, industrial plant operators, building designers and contractors, and cold chain logistic providers. The technology is also available for licensing to paint developers and manufacturers.


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Seeking Fermentation Technologies for Sustainable Food Production
Fermentation is one of the oldest technologies used in food processing, Traditionally, fermentation was used as a method of preserving food, as well as imparting unique flavor profiles, such as in products like soy sauce or tempeh. In recent years, driven by the demand for a more sustainable food production system, fermentation is also studied for its applications in breaking down organic matter from indigestible to digestible nutrition for human consumption, growing biomass from the microorganisms used in the process, or producing specific target compounds like protein, fat or other nutrients. With Singapore’s ’30 by 30’ goal to produce 30% of our nutritional needs locally and sustainably by 2030, fermentation technologies are primed to play a key role in the food industry.
Seeking Solutions for Management and Treatment of Chronic Wounds
Diabetic foot ulcer is a devastating complication of diabetes mellitus and significant cause of mortality and morbidity all over the world and can be complex and costly. The development of foot ulcer in a diabetic patient has been estimated to be 19%-34% through their lifetime. The pathophysiology of diabetic foot ulcer consist of neuropathy, trauma and, in many patients, additional peripheral arterial disease. In particular, diabetic neuropathy leads to foot deformity, callus formation, and insensitivity to trauma or pressure. The management of DFU is usually complex and challenging to clinicians in clinical practice. The critical aspects of the wound healing mechanism and host physiological status in patients with diabetes necessitate the selection of an appropriate treatment strategy based on the complexity and type of wound. Additionally, costs of diabetic foot ulcerations have been increased to the treatment cost of many common cancers. Estimated costs of DFU management are greater than 1 billion in both developed and developing countries. Moreover, infection of a DFU frequently leads to limb amputation, causing significant morbidity, psychological distress and reduced quality of life and life expectancy. 
Seeking Non-Toxic Flame-Retardant Coating for Polymeric Materials
The increasing emphasis on fire safety regulations and standards, along with the growing awareness of the potential hazards posed by fires, has driven the demand for flame-retardant coatings. These coatings play important roles in fire protection by effectively slowing down the spreading of fires, thereby preventing catastrophic accidents, safeguarding assets, and saving lives. Industry segments such as electronics, automotive, aerospace, construction, and household, which extensively utilise materials prone to fire hazards, require effective fire protection solutions. As the demand for flame retardant coatings continues to rise across various sectors, the market is experiencing significant growth. According to MarketsandMarkets, the global flame retardants market is expected to be worth USD 9.5 billion by 2028, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.2%. Particularly, the Asia Pacific region is the fastest-growing market.   Traditional flame retardants, especially those containing brominate or chlorine, have been associated with their impacts on the environment and human health. Consequently, the demand for environmentally friendly coating solutions, such as nanocomposites and natural bio-based retardants, is growing at a rapid pace. However, the performance, efficiency, environmental impact, and cost-effectiveness of these alternative materials are still hot topics of ongoing research. This tech need calls for non-toxic and innovative flame-retardant coatings capable of addressing the above challenges. Such coating solutions should be available for test-bedding, licensing, and co-development with industrial partners, paving the way for safer and more sustainable fire protection methods.

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Learn how our innovation services have enabled organisations to succeed in their innovation journey.


Wheeling into the Future with Electric Motorbikes and Battery Recycling
Find out how an electric motorbike entrepreneur and battery recycling innovator work together to bring sustainable transportation to Southeast Asia.   Across Southeast Asia, motorbikes have long been a staple of transportation, weaving through traffic and bringing riders to their daily destinations. However, as air pollution continues to choke urban centres, claiming millions of lives each year, a pressing question...


Spicing Up Traditional Treats for Modern Foodies
Sea cucumber supplier, Sandhon, standardised processes and developed new ready-to-eat products by working with both IPI’s Innovation Advisory and Innovation and Technology clusters.   Sea cucumber has long been a prized delicacy in Asian cuisine and is a staple for wedding feasts and celebratory meals. But in our modern era of food delivery apps and rapidly evolving tastes, can a...


Transforming Waste, Fuelling Sustainable Maritime Transport
Local biofuel start-up, Green COP, is partnering with global palm oil producer, IOI to commercialise sustainable marine fuels. IOI supplies the agri-waste feedstock, while Green COP sets up and manages the production process of the sustainable marine fuels.   In 2021, the global cargo shipping market was valued at a whopping USD 2.2 trillion—enabling roughly 80 to 90 per cent...