Why connection & collaboration is key
From conception to consumption, keeping the innovation process collaborative and inclusive is the key to success for JAH Tech. 

From better transport to more advanced skincare—humanity's need to innovate is at the core of every product found on store shelves and every service that provides convenience for consumers. The process does not stop, however, at the inception of any given idea. It is essential for businesses to take their ideas and market them to create actual financial value.

The very same process takes place in technology research labs—where technology is commercialised and deployed to a company or firm specifically tasked to make it available for the general public. To accomplish this, and manage the commercialisation and partnerships for three deep tech labs, JAH Tech was born.

Established in 2019 and currently managing 20 years' worth of deep tech research, JAH Tech is dedicated to the real-world applications from its three labs: JAH Life for beauty and wellness, JAH Materials for nano mould technology, and JAH Gaia for emission control technology. Backed by close collaborative relationships forged between its research and commercial teams and supported by IPI, JAH Tech is poised to quickly meet the needs of the market. In this interview, JAH Tech CEO Tan Chong Hui shares how the company benefits its partners and works towards collaborative innovation. 


1. What does JAH Tech do and what are your key capabilities?

Currently, JAH Tech is focused on the commercialisation of multiple technologies developed by our labs. We are constantly looking for industrial partners with existing channels to jointly market or develop new and exciting products for consumers, businesses and industrial use.

Our key capability lies in our deep understanding of technology, business and collaborative relationship between our research and commercial teams. As a result, we can rapidly adapt our technologies for better targeted product sales, more fruitful partnerships, or more beneficial licensing agreements. We are constantly working on multiple projects across different countries while exploring opportunities in new and developing industries.

2. What is unique about JAH Tech's approach to open innovation?

At JAH Tech, we believe that disruption occurs when different discoveries and technologies coincide to create a synergetic effect where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. We are constantly looking for like-minded partners, both in the commercial and research sectors to dive into a variety of areas where our technology and theirs can be applied to bring something new to existing industries.

3. Please share some examples of how collaborations with JAH Tech have benefited companies (both SMEs and large corporations), despite them having in-house technical expertise for product development.

LEGO has adopted our nano mould technology to make some of their toys for small batch production after spending over two years looking for a solution that could improve the manufacturing process and increase savings. Since then, LEGO has consistently incorporated our technology in their toy production, with more production planned in the coming months.

In the beauty industry, iBrea, a Korean skincare manufacturing brand heard about our SanitatemAlpha technology that is non-irritant, anti-ageing, anti-inflammation, anti-oxidant and skin whitening, and decided to test it on their products. and decided to test it on their products. After achieving promising results, they created a range of skin relief products using our technology.

With our Unitatem PRIMIS™ technology, we are currently in collaboration with a manufacturer called Meridiem to create a facial roller that provides micro-currents to tighten and rejuvenate skin. The technology consists of anti-inflammatory properties and improves absorption of skincare ingredients.

4. What companies and collaborators are you looking to work with? Are there any specific domains of interest?

JAH Tech is looking for partners from multiple industries for the different technologies in our portfolio. In particular, we are looking for cosmetic and skincare brands that are keen to develop new products for their existing customers. With the right partners, we also seek to disrupt the automobile parts, toy and consumer appliance manufacturing industries with our technologies.

We also recognise that some of the best scientific minds could be found in the various institutions of higher learning or research entities. We hope to build a collaborative environment with these entities to encourage the discovery of novel and exciting technologies.

5. How can companies engage and begin working with JAH Tech? Do they have to be in deep tech research?

JAH Tech welcomes interested parties to contact us for a discussion on possible partnership, licensing or research opportunities. Deep tech research capabilities are not a pre-requisite, and we are open to various forms of partnership. We are especially interested in industries or businesses with challenges or bottlenecks—we would like to learn about them and see if our technologies can solve some of these issues.

6. How has JAH Tech’s partnership with IPI developed over the years?

JAH Tech has significantly benefited from the partnership with IPI over the past three years, growing and generating three separate spin-offs, each focused on different industries and technologies. Through this partnership, we have gained valuable networks and relationships that have sped up our commercialisation process and provided us with substantial market foothold.