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Technology International Co-innovation Funding Calls

Seeking Proposals for Singapore-South Korea Joint R&D Call
Are you a Korean or Singapore company looking for partners to co-innovate on product development, tap on R&D funding and access new markets? This opportunity might just be what you are looking for! The Singapore-South Korea Joint R&D Call offers Singapore and Korean companies the opportunity to collaborate on joint R&D projects to create innovative products and applications, with the end goal of commercialisation. Run under the banner of the Eureka Network, Enterprise Singapore (EnterpriseSG) and the Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology (KIAT) will be providing funding support for Singapore and Korean companies whose projects are approved.  The call for proposals is open to all technological and application areas. We would particularly welcome applications in the following sectors: Biotechnology and medical technology Smart cities and digital transformation AI and ICT Carbon reduction and future mobility  More information about the submission process can be found in the attached Call Document along with the full details on this call.
Seeking Proposals for Eureka Clusters Sustainability Call
Are you a Singapore-based company looking to tackle global sustainability issues through R&D collaboration?The Eureka Clusters Sustainability Call offers Singapore companies the opportunity to receive funding support for joint R&D&I projects with entities from 15 other Eureka countries. These 15 countries are Austria, Belgium (Brussels & Flanders), Canada, Denmark, Finland, Hungary, Ireland, Luxembourg, Portugal, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, and the United Kingdom. Project partners must cooperate on a joint R&D&I project focused on the following technological and application areas: Green ICT: Electronic components, software, and ICT systems that support sustainable manufacturing Space-ocean-earth integrated systems: Space, ocean, and land/aerial monitoring technologies or techniques that support net-zero emissions transition, climate control, natural resource management, and/or sustainable food production. Applications are now open until 2 May 2022, 2359 hrs (GMT+8). Click here for full details about the call.
Seeking Proposals for EUREKA Eurostars Projects (Submit by 24 March 2022)
Eureka is the world’s biggest intergovernmental network for international cooperation in R&D and innovation. The Eureka Eurostars programme supports international R&D and collaborative innovation projects between Eureka member countries. Companies are invited to submit joint project proposals on a new product, process or solution that can be rapidly commercialised in global markets with a civilian purpose. The call is open to all sectors and will run from 21 January 2022 – 24 March 2022. A second call for project applications will be open in the latter half of the year, in 3Q 2022. More information on Eurostars can be found here.
Seeking Proposals for UK-Singapore Collaborative R&D Call
Are you a UK or Singapore technology company looking for partners to co-innovate on product development, top on R&D funding and access new markets? The UK-Singapore Collaborative R&D Call offers UK and Singapore companies the opportunity to collaborate on joint projects in the R&D of innovative products and applications, with the end goal of commercialisation. Enterprise Singapore and Innovate UK will provide access to public funding for selected projects that have strong potential for the UK, Singapore or international market. The call for proposals is open to all technological and application areas. We would particularly welcome applications in the following sectors: Advanced Manufacturing & Materials; Agrifood Tech; Mobility & Transport; Cybersecurity; and Health & Life Sciences More information about the submission process can be found here. Please also refer to the attached Call Document for full details on this call.  
Seeking Proposals for Singapore-Turkey Eureka Bilateral Projects 2022
Eureka is the world’s biggest intergovernmental network for international cooperation in R&D and innovation. The Singapore-Turkey Eureka Bilateral Call supports R&D and collaborative innovation projects between Singapore and Turkey. Companies are invited to submit joint project proposals on a new product, process or solution that can be rapidly commercialised in global markets with a civilian purpose.
Seeking Proposals for EUREKA Eurostars Projects
Eureka is the world’s biggest intergovernmental network for international cooperation in R&D and innovation. The Eureka Eurostars programme supports international R&D and collaborative innovation projects between Eureka member countries. Companies are invited to submit joint project proposals on a new product, process or solution that can be rapidly commercialised in global markets with a civilian purpose. The call is open to all sectors. More information on Eurostars can be found here.
Seeking Proposals for Singapore-France Joint Innovation Projects
The Singapore-France Joint Innovation Call offers French and Singapore companies the opportunity to collaborate on joint innovation projects with each other. Proposals focusing on developing innovative products and applications in any technological area are welcome. Applicants are expected to develop ready-to-market solutions for products, technology-based services or methods which have strong potential for the French, Singaporean and/or international market. Enterprise Singapore and Bpifrance will provide access to public funding for jointly selected projects. The programme aims to encourage the development of ready-to-market solutions for products, technology-based services or methods that have strong potential for the French, Singapore or international market. More information about the submission process can be found at
Seeking Joint Proposals for Germany Singapore SME Funding Programme
Are you a German or Singapore technology company looking for partners to co-innovate on product development, access new markets and tap R&D funding? Enterprise Singapore and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (Coordinator: AiF Projekt GmbH) are announcing the 4th call for proposals for joint R&D and innovation projects between Singapore and Germany. Singapore and German-based SMEs are invited to submit joint projects in the research and development of innovative products and applications, with the end goal of commercialisation. The call for proposal is open to all technological and application areas.
Seeking Proposals for EUREKA Eurostars Projects (Feb’23 – Apr’23)
Eurostars is part of the European Partnership on Innovative SMEs. The partnership is co-funded by the European Union through Horizon Europe. Eurostars is a funding instrument that supports innovative SMEs and project partners (large companies, universities, research organisations and other types of organisations) by funding international collaborative R&D and innovation projects. By participating, organisations can access public funding for international collaborative R&D projects in all fields. To have a successful Eurostars application you must: Define your project idea Collaborate internationally, sharing expertise Develop products, processes or services that can be easily commercialised Your project consortium must have an innovative SME in the leading role, but it can also include other types of organisations like large companies, universities, research organisations and more. More information on Eurostars can be found here.