Tech Bundle


Today, 90% of Singapore’s food supply is imported. With the rapid growth in AgriFood innovation, Singapore is positioning itself as a significant contributor to the global conversation on sustainable food production and AgriFood Tech.

Adopting innovative AgriFood technologies is crucial to attaining the country's goal to produce 30% of its nutritional needs locally by 2030.

The AgriFood Tech Bundle offers a curated list of technologies for enterprises to access, license or co-innovate with technology providers to create new products and services in the agribusiness. Featuring a range of solutions that can improve plant yield, enhance resource efficiency in urban farming, reduce food waste as well as new alternative protein sources, enterprises can leverage the AgriFood technologies to accelerate their product and service development, contributing to Singapore’s ambitious “30-by-30” national goal.

Discover how Singapore is driving agrifood innovation and transforming the future of sustainable food production with initiatives like the IPI AgriFood Tech Bundle in advancing technology and collaboration in the sector.

A Decentralized Urban Farming IoT System
This Internet of Things (IoT) software architecture addresses a decentralized framework to provide the ability to exchange data between IoT devices autonomously without any centralized server. In recent years, the development of IoT applications has become increasingly complex. Thus, this technology addresses the problem by providing the ability to simplify the streaming of data to the IoT platforms over the web. The IoT platform is designed to assist modern-day farmers in monitoring the entire farm seamlessly. It can be customized to suit each farm depending on the type of sensors, machine vision camera, cloud storage, etc. Equipped with detailed data tracking and analytics to provide the most accurate growth process from start to finish. This design can be customized for other applications. The technology owner is looking for partners and collaborators to further co-develop this technology in urban farming.